Lilith Phones for Service
Lilith Phones for Service
Lilith is having phone sex and playing with herself. She wants real cock and requests Luis to attend to her needs. He races over to her place, eager to suck her nipples and fuck her mouth and pussy.
Lilith was a dancer in St. Louis, Missouri when she began modeling for SCORE in April, 2001.
"I'm a big movie buff so I watch a lot of movies," Lilith said. "I love horror movies and I really love violent movies. Lots of violence and offensive language. Very abrasive films. I'm also a vampire movie buff. From Dawn Til Dusk is one of my favorite vampire movies."
The name Lilith is from ancient Mesopotamian mythology about Adam's first wife becoming queen of the supernatural after she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
Some years ago, a reader who called himself Sky Chief sent us an email with a photo from an obscure men's magazine called Cavalcade, dated January 1977. The model had a resemblance to Lilith. "I was looking for classic busty mags on eBay and ran across this," wrote Chief. "My immediate reaction was OMG! Lilith's Mom!"
But it couldn't possibly have been Lilith. She was born in November of 1977. Or maybe it was Lilith. She does have an Ankh tattoo on her right breast, Ancient Egyptian symbol of immortality.
Lilith was a dancer in St. Louis, Missouri when she began modeling for SCORE in April, 2001.
"I'm a big movie buff so I watch a lot of movies," Lilith said. "I love horror movies and I really love violent movies. Lots of violence and offensive language. Very abrasive films. I'm also a vampire movie buff. From Dawn Til Dusk is one of my favorite vampire movies."
The name Lilith is from ancient Mesopotamian mythology about Adam's first wife becoming queen of the supernatural after she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
Some years ago, a reader who called himself Sky Chief sent us an email with a photo from an obscure men's magazine called Cavalcade, dated January 1977. The model had a resemblance to Lilith. "I was looking for classic busty mags on eBay and ran across this," wrote Chief. "My immediate reaction was OMG! Lilith's Mom!"
But it couldn't possibly have been Lilith. She was born in November of 1977. Or maybe it was Lilith. She does have an Ankh tattoo on her right breast, Ancient Egyptian symbol of immortality.