Via Paxton: Voluptuous magazine superstar

Via Paxton: Voluptuous magazine superstar

Finding Via Paxton was a case of pure good luck. A Voluptuous reader saw Via in a Chicago Barnes & Noble bookstore and told her she should become a model for a magazine he buys. Most women might have ignored that suggestion coming from a stranger but Via liked the idea.

Voluptuous readers praised Via Paxton and Diane Poppos as the two greatest natural newcomers of 1999. Their votes for Via made her Voluptuous Model of the Year winner for 2000.

This photo set was published in May 2001 Voluptuous. She was a "crossover" model, meaning that she could be in SCORE and Voluptuous. We keep waiting for the next Via Paxton to appear. It's been a long wait.
Featuring: Via Paxton
Date: March 19th, 2022
Photos: 60

Member Comments

2 years ago 

Absolutely breathtaking. Via you are a marvel.

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